Marriage Certificate Record — is a record made by an official, a civil registry office worker or a worker of the House of Justice in Georgia, about a marriage, including all surnames, first names, dates of birth of the spouses, and other relevant details of the case (for example, information about a divorce prior to the marriage).
The marriage certificate record is made on the day of the marriage. Later, in many countries, changes are made to it if there were any. For example, a change of surname, divorce, or the death of one of the spouses.
It is impossible to obtain the original marriage certificate record. It is kept in its original form in the archives of the civil registry offices or the House of Justice, synagogue archives, local archives.
You can only order and receive a copy of the marriage certificate record or an extract from the marriage certificate record (an archival extract).
A copy of the marriage certificate record is not always the best option, as it can be carelessly filled out, look worn, be damaged, be composite, or illegible. A copy of the marriage certificate record is literally a copy of the relevant pages of the registry book.
It is best to order a printed extract from the marriage certificate record on an official form or from the archive. Such a document is easy to read and has obvious characteristics of a document.
It is best to order a printed extract from the marriage certificate record on an official form or from the archive. Such a document is easy to read and has obvious characteristics of a document.
Contact our agency to order and receive a copy of the marriage certificate record or an extract from the marriage certificate record, archive about the marriage.
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