Marriage Certificate

Obtaining a marriage certificate in Georgia takes no more than 2 weeks. It is possible to order at a high tariff for 1-2 business days. The time frame for obtaining a Marriage Certificate in Georgia depends on the client’s wishes.

Marriage certificate in Georgian language. Georgia
Marriage Certificate — Georgia

A marriage certificate is typically needed for:

  • Obtaining citizenship of Georgia or another country
  • As a basis for changing the surname, name in other documents obtained after marriage
  • For residence permit in Georgia or other countries
  • To confirm kinship to relatives (bloodline)
  • For confirmation of status when being hired under special conditions
  • For immigration or emigration on a work or study visa
  • For obtaining alimony or inheritance

Where to obtain a marriage certificate in Georgia

The marriage certificate in Georgia can be obtained in Tbilisi at the House of Justice, if you are sure that there are no errors in the marriage record. If there are errors or the marriage record did not make it to the archive, you will have to apply to the Civil Registry Office where the marriage was concluded.

If you are divorced but have been asked for a marriage certificate

Often in Europe, the USA, Canada, Israel, information about marriage is requested even if you are divorced or a widower/widow. In such cases, you can obtain an extract from the marriage record. The marriage record is kept in the Civil Registry Office of the locality where the marriage was concluded.

What to do if you have an old marriage certificate and a new one is required (for example, for an apostille you need a new one).

If you have a Georgian marriage certificate of the Soviet model, unfortunately, such a certificate may not be accepted in countries of Europe, the USA, Canada, New Zealand, and many others. Moreover, such a marriage certificate cannot be apostilled or legalized at the consulate.

Can I get the original marriage certificate?

You can get the original marriage certificate from Georgia if you have concluded a marriage and have not yet taken a marriage certificate. If you have already received it earlier, you will be issued only a duplicate. The duplicate of the marriage certificate has the same force as the original certificate. It will be stated that it is a duplicate. This has no legal consequences for you, your spouse, or your children, grandchildren.

Can I get the same marriage certificate as I had before — in Cyrillic?

Unfortunately, you cannot get such a Soviet-style certificate. Such forms have long been invalid — almost since the collapse of the USSR. You will receive a duplicate (if the person is alive or not divorced, for whom this document is obtained) or an extract from the marriage record / from the archive (if the person is deceased or divorced).

I had a marriage certificate in Cyrillic, I received a new one in Georgian. Why?

Obtaining a certificate in Cyrillic is impractical. It will raise many questions from the authorities both in Georgia and abroad. Such certificates are acquired on the black market. And this is criminally punishable. The state language of Georgia is Georgian, and all documents and paperwork are conducted in Georgian. If you had a non-Georgian surname or name — they are preserved, but transliterated according to the rules of the Georgian language. Thus, when transliterating from Georgian to your native language, they most often retain an identical sound, with some exceptions. To resolve such issues, it is advisable to contact our company.

Contact us to obtain a Marriage Certificate (or duplicate) from Georgia. Our lawyers will obtain the necessary documents for you in the shortest possible time.

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